confident about closing EU negotiations in the next six months

Croatian Times

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integrations, Gordan Jandrokovic said that he expects Croatia to finish the year with 28 European Union chapters closed, and that the negotiations will end during the Hungarian presidency, in the first half of 2011.

"This year we saw a lot of progress with to the European Union and I hope that in the next two days we will complete another three chapters," Jandrokovic said yesterday (Mon).

The Minister is certain that Croatia will manage to solve all questions related to negotiations, including the chapter on the judiciary which is considered to be one of the most difficult.

"They are very demanding because not only do we have to fulfil the criteria and create laws, but also, I would dare to say, to change the mentality, a view on society's development," Minister said.

"I believe that Croatia possesses a lot of strength for that, as the latest events show," he added.

Our Christmas gift to you: the best properties 2010 report

Those who follow our monthly newsletter know what kind of properties we send around: not just the coolest estates on the waterfront, but also a very solid mix of proper investments: be it a little farmhouse by the water or a penthouse with big balcony... they all have a reason why they are a great investment. Now at the end of 2010 we have collected the 10 most interesting offers of the moment in Croatia, and put them together in the 'Best Properties 2010 Report'.

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May 2011 be a year of excitement, and great new steps! We hope to sea you on the coast of Croatia soon.

Petar Strizak, the most sincere man in Kastela and real estate agent in Croatia, died

 SPLIT - In accident that occurred Saturday afternoon in the port of Kastel Stari, Peter Strižak (55) from this town, drowned . Strižak and the car landed in a sea depth of about 2.5 meters, about 17:00. Firefighters pulled the diver is unfortunate man who showed no signs of life from his Ford Mondeo on the surface, and then it was on its way to the Split hospital emergency medical care doctors unsuccessfully tried to resuscitate. Unfortunately, at the moment Strižak landed in the sea in the port there were people who would rescue him for help. Police found that the visual inspection Strižak stood in a row of parked cars and went forward, crossed the ropes that were tied boats, the stern rope broke one of the ship, auto rotate and more meaningful. Strižak is about five years before his Ford Focus off the road and struck a tree. (Text: Duska Čolović)

SPLIT - U prometnoj nesreći koja se u subotu poslijepodne dogodila u portu u Kaštel Starom utopio se Petar Strižak (55) iz Kaštela. Strižak je automobilom sletio u more dubine oko 2,5 metara oko 17 sati. Vatrogasni ronioc izvukao je nesretnog čovjeka koji nije pokazivao znakove života iz njegova Ford Mondea na površinu, a onda su ga na putu do splitske bolnice liječnici hitne medicinske pomoći bezuspješno pokušavali reanimirati. Na nesreću, u trenutku kad je Strižak sletio u more u portu nije bilo ljudi koji bi mu priskočili u pomoć. Policija je očevidom utvrdila da je Strižak stajao u nizu parkiranih vozila te krenuo naprijed, prešao preko konopa kojima su bili privezani brodovi, puknuo je krmeni konop jednog broda, auto se zarotiralo i upalo u more. Strižak je i prije prije pet godina svojim Ford Mondeom sletio s ceste i udario u stablo. (tekst: Duška Čolović)
(Zvonimir Barisin / CROPIX)